Charity-Activators needed to recruit new donors to international charities. Just Refer a Friend to charity and earn $15 for each new donor. It is a fun and easy process. The application process takes 5-10 minutes with a real person over the phone, and if you qualify, we'll provide you tools to get started right away, today. You can work from home or anywhere you have a computer. You will reach out to friends and family via email and facebook and tell them about donating to international charities. If ANY of them donate to the charity, you’ll earn $15 on the spot. If 10 of them donate, you get $150, right then and there, and so on….Email me and start now earning rewards and helping great international charities.
Just say “I’m Interested!”
As a Charity-Activator you will just reach out to friends, family, colleagues, acquaintences via email, facebook and in-person to tell them you're helping great international charities do outreach. If they become a donor to one of these charities you get rewarded for each new donor. Email Erich at the email address provided to set up a brief telephone interview. This is a legit opportunity and you can google erich fasnacht for info on Erich's long history in the non-profit industry.
Set up a quick 5-10 minute email interview and then you can get started.